Oh This Is JUST Great

Day 1

When you’re already feeling a bit down and THEN you get an email with three items on sale specifically designed for you (so they said).

1) Wrinkle Cream

wow, message received.

2) Haagen Dazs

temporary fix.

3) Killer Abs for Dummies – or some other obnoxiously named video tutorial reminding me that the time is now.

let me just finish my 2 gallons of Haagen Dazs will you?!!?

Man, I wish I had some.

Day 2

In other exciting news… I served leftovers for dinner, read: my kids were angry with me. I needed a sappy tv drama, stat! And another gallon or two of Ben & Jerry’s to maybe help keep my mind off depressing stuff.

Enough of the self wallowing pity party for one, I needed something to cheer me up and fast. It came in the form of a phone call. Another opportunity dropped into my lap. Just. Like.That.

When one door closes another one opens. I mean, the odds of it happening that quickly are rare but boy was I glad it did. What a quick reminder for me, sure I was all lemonade-y but I was still sad, until that phone call.

We never know when things will turn around, or why bad things seem to happen to good people, or why the elastic sometimes randomly busts on your underwear (someone once told me that happened to them).

In all seriousness, lots of opportunities are out there. 2 days ago I played a game of Bananagrams with my daughters when  I had a light bulb moment.  When you hold on to a specific plan or idea, sometimes, you might miss something even better if you aren’t willing to change or alter the original plan.

So there you have it. I’m getting older, wrinklier and wiser. I love ice cream and hate working out but might indulge in a little online couponing, those ads were pretty compelling. I will have my cake and eat it too, one day. But for now, I’ll stick to the local ice cream brands and continue to stare at my video cassette of Killer Abs for Fatties, or something like that.  And you know, that’s okay because even though one door opened and then slammed shut on me, another is right there within my reach.  The only loss was a wee bit of self-esteem and it was a good dose of reality. I am humbled and there is a lesson to be learned in everything so smiles all around.  Anyways chubby people are supposed to be jolly and make you laugh.


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