I Get To Party With Celebs!

Sort of.

As a blogger, I am getting one of the most amazing opportunities in my life, so far.

I am participating in the 5th Annual Israeli Presidential Conference, “Facing Tomorrow”, and will have the opportunity to hear from former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev, former U.S. president Bill Clinton, AOL Chairman and CEO Tim Armstrong, and Prince Albert of Monaco. Some key-note speakers include activist Ms. Ayaan Hirsi-Ali, actress Sharon Stone, and Middle East Quartet Envoy Tony Blair. The Prime Minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu, will also address the conference – I mean, people – this is huge.

As if that wasn’t enough, the conference will kick-off with a celebration of President Shimon Peres’ 90th birthday, highlighted by a performance by legendary international singer Barbra Streisand. So, yeah I am SO excited.


Of course it’s not JUST about being in the same room as these famous people. It’s about me, being more than one-dimensional. Me, tapping into that social media/business-oriented/marketing side. It’s about jumping in and getting involved, becoming more aware and broadening my spectrum. Over the 3 days, I’ll be sitting in on sessions that address topics on religion, environment, education, military and homeland security, economics, business and much more. It’s about being involved in something greater than me and my day-to-day busy life. It’s about opening my mind, meeting people, and generating contacts. It’s about socializing on an intellectual level on various topics, it’s about the day when I take my hard-earned degree and use it for something other than an ambiguous description or generalization of what I do, when asked.  

I am going to sit in on topics like: 

Where is Political Islam Headed? and 

Is there a Chance for a Green Tomorrow? and 

Israel as an Energy Superpower: Significance and Consequences

I know I often write about fluff, silliness or just plain mushy posts about being a mom or having great friends but sometimes, rare as they have been, I write about things that are on a whole other deeper level. This is going to be great – I may even get a chance to interview Israeli superstar Rita. 

I have ants in my pants just thinking about it. Or as we say I’ve got “shpilkes”!

More to come after the event, but for now, I just couldn’t contain the excitement and keep it all to myself. 


  1. I’ve Been Leibster-Ed! June 14, 2013

    Filed under: Little Big Things,Me — abbbz @ 11:11 am Edit This
    Tags: appreciated, appreciation, blog, happiness, leibster award

    After a hard night, I woke up and saw that I was nominated for a Leibster Award. It made doing all of this worth it! I am so honored and excited that I was nominated, especially because I was nominated by one of my favorite mom blogs twinanutshell. Take a peek at this wonderfully insightful mom of twin boys. She makes me smile and I am sure she will do the same for you!
    The Rules:
    1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and link back to them in your post.
    2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.
    3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
    4. Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog.
    Note: (These are the “rules” but please feel free to do as you wish. If you have 5 bloggers to nominate instead of 11, and you can only think of 7 random facts about yourself – that’s perfectly fine! )
    Questions for me from Twinanutshell
    1-If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do for the rest of your life?
    Love this question. I would go to beauty school. I have always wanted to go and learn how to do hair, makeup, nails-the works. I would also volunteer at a domestic violence center in my area called 180 Turning Lives Around. They helped me tremendously and I would love to be able to give back.
    2-When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    I always wanted to be a stay at home mom! But career wise I wanted to be a pop star.
    3-Knowing it would be your last meal, what would you eat?
    Wow, I love to eat-EVERYTHING but for the last meal probably fried chicken from the Chinese take out by my house (its to die for) and mint chocolate ice cream (the green one)
    4-What are you reading right now (offline)?
    I am always in the middle of Gone with the wind. When I need to escape, I just open it up anywhere and start. I love Scarlett O’Hara.
    5-If you could only listen to one artist or band for the rest of your life – their existing music, and anything else they might come up with – who would it be?
    This is a difficult one. I think if I had to choose only 1-it would have to Linkin Park. I love the mix of rap and rock and their music puts into words what I can not always express

    6-If you could live in any time period or witness any historical event firsthand, what would it be?

    For me, it would be two-time periods-I would have loved to live in the South before the Civil War-I loved the dresses and all the regalness (minus the slavery) or in the biblical times when the Jews were in Egypt and right after. I would have loved to see the miracles of the 10 Plagues and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.
    7-If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
    I would like to have dinner with my grandfather from my dad’s side and my grandmother from my mom’s side. I miss them both very much and would love to have one more chance to spend some time with them. .
    8-Where’s the most interesting place you’ve ever been?
    Israel-Hands down. I love it there. It is the most beautiful place in the entire world. Don’t let the news scare you, if you have a chance GO!
    9-What’s your least favorite household chore and why?
    I hate FOLD laundry and PUT it away. It is just so tedious and I am not a fan!
    10-What was your favorite children’s story or TV show when you were a child?
    This is an easy one for me- There was a TV show on Public TV (we did not have cable) called The Magic Garden. It was 2 hippies singing in a garden on a swing. Looking back, I am pretty sure the were high on something but I still loved that show!
    11-Why do you blog?
    Great question! It is therapeutic. I feel as if I have had so many experiences that I would love to be able to share my journey in life with all that wish to read. I am hoping that from my struggles I can help someone, either to realize that even through trauma there is hope, or to just realize that they are not alone and that they can get help and there is help out there.
    11 Random Facts about me:
    1-I really do not like scary movies. I will watch them, but I would rather not.
    2- I want to go into politics. I feel a need to do something better for the world I live in.
    3- I LOVE reality TV. It does not matter what the subject matter, I love it all
    4- I want to be on Wheel of Fortune. I always know the answers. Can I have a “R” please?
    5- I hate to drive. I just do not like it.
    6- I am a terrible dancer but that does not stop me from dancing.
    7- Airplanes terrify me, unfortunately to see most of my family requires me to take a plane (thanks guys)
    8- I have a toilet mouth. I curse to much-my oldest son’s first word was Sh*t.
    9-I like things organized, but I do not want to organize them myself. In my head, I am very good at this, in reality-not so much
    10- I love legos. I just think they are fun to play with.
    11- I do not watch the news. I feel like American News media uses their ability to reach out to the masses to scare the hell out of the public. Why can’t they ever report positive news?
    Questions for my nominees:
    1-If you could live anywhere, where would it be, and why?
    2-If you could be on any TV/Reality show which would you choose?
    3-If you could change any law, which would it be?
    4-What would be your favorite way to spend a day if you could choose ANYTHING?
    5-What was the best advice you ever got?
    6-What is the best advice you could ever give anyone?
    7-Who inspires you?
    8-What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
    9-What is your favorite weather?
    10-What is your favorite meal to eat?
    11-What is your favorite meal to cook?
    Thanks again for the nomination and I can not wait to read your answers!

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